This post explains how to use the interactive sports calendar 2025
The sport can be changed by clicking the corresponding icon which will update the timeline. Months can be selected or unselected as one by one or as a whole. When a particular month is selected the current sport events in the particular month are added. The dates for which the events are scheduled will be highlighted when a date is clicked. The events on the particular date will be highlighted. The website link will take you to the corresponding website where you can get further details. Similarly the map links for open street map and Google Map will take you to the corresponding map locations. The events can be filtered by based on the gender. When you change from all countries to a specific Country, sports events available for the specific country only will be shown. You can select the international events, Continental events or domestic events. You can embed this interactive sports calendar for free in your website the embed link is available in this page. you can also download the PDF which contains the details of all events. The PDF can be downloaded from this link
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